When DIY Fails You

Guys.  Keeping in real over here.  Sometimes, DIY fails you.  It fails you BIG TIME.  Then costs you $800.  Because you refuse to DIY the same project over again.  Because you are frustrated and pissed and just don't have the energy to start over. 

So here it is. 

Remember two years ago when I built the outdoor couches?  Then stained them last year to match the Adirondack chairs?  Which, by the way- I sold 4 of those chairs.  I'll explain later. 

Remember last year when I built the privacy flower bed also seen above? 

Well........ what had happened was......

A few months ago we had some serious wind storms.  Like 60+ mph winds.  Apparently the 700 lb flower bed was no match for that wind. 

This is what I came home to one night- view from my kitchen window.  Now, I said 700 lbs.  I was slightly exaggerating.  But for real, this thing weighs at least 300 lbs.  So much that I had to wait a month for someone to come home to help me put it back upright and reattach it. 

Then it toppled over again.  And again.  And again.  This fucker was straight up mocking me.  So the genius that I am decided that I'd put one of the couches in front of it to stop it from tipping over.  Cuz the couches ALSO WEIGH about 300 lbs. 

Well......... I came home to this next. 

Now I will fully admit when I build something and it's flimsy or cheap.  Which isn't very often since I typically spend HOURS scouring plans to make sure that if I'm spending my money and time on something, it's going to last.  But these couches were SOLID.  How in the hell did it just FLATTEN like a pancake?  If you could have seen me standing there, about to cry, taking this picture.  So disappointing.  Again, had to wait for someone to help me the next month to lift this damn flower bed back up and carry the pieces of the couch to the side of the house.  At that point, I decided to scrap the privacy panel.  So stupid.  Well as I walked around the corner, I grabbed the arm of the OTHER couch to move it away from the panel, it came apart.  Guys......... if you could have seen my face.  Utter defeat.  I just laughed.  Because, OF COURSE. 

I immediately went inside and had a beer to drown my sorrows. 

I was so frustrated.  I ended up one weekend just pulling apart the remaining couch with my own two hands.  I felt like the Hulk.  As I said- these couches were SOLID.  But because the privacy panel kept rocking back and forth repeatedly, knocking into the couch in front of it and then into the couch behind it.... the couches eventually started to get damaged and the screws and wood glue just failed. 

Fucking pissed.  That's what I was.  And I still am- if I'm being honest. 

I loved having the couches out there.  I could open the umbrella, lay on the couches, read a book, take a nap, relax with friends.  I didn't NOT want to have couches now that I had them.  So $800 later.....

Two new sofas and two new club chairs.  I actually got them super discounted during a flash sale on Target's website- with an add'l coupon code for an extra 15% off.  I mean, I'm nothing if not frugal.  So rather than spending about $1500-$1600, I got them pretty much for half price.  Score.  I mean, definitely didn't want to spend $800 on outdoor furniture.  But fuck it.  It is was it is.  And they are NICE.  And fingers crossed, they won't fall apart.   HAH.  Not funny.  This is also why I sold 4 of the chairs.  They were to the right of the storage box (behind the club chairs) in a circle.  They now took up too much room on the patio.  I kept the two that go around the fire pit.  But now there is a bit of room to be able to move around on the patio.  It was WAY too cluttered with all of the chairs, the new patio furniture, the dining table, and the fire pit.  I at least made $200 on the 4 chairs (way under priced, I might add) to help pay for the new furniture. 

Well now the problem was the flower box.  Since the privacy panel was attached to the back, I didn't finish the back with cedar boards like the front was.  So you saw the ugly open back area with the bins exposed. 

Not exactly the look I was going for.  Oh and can you see that I literally just threw the couches and privacy panel in one of the flower beds, towards the top of the photo?  I was pissed.  I'm probably going to get a fine from the HOA cuz it looks terrible.  But I can't lift it all by myself.  I also need to bring my circular saw outside- when it's not freaking raining (UGH!!!!!)- to chop up the couches into smaller pieces to throw into the trash bin.  But that hasn't happened yet.  I actually just don't have the energy for it right now.  I'm exhausted and overwhelmed with the amount of crap that needs to happen in this yard and I'm just putting it off.  I'm just going to pretend it's not there. 

Today I sucked it up and went and picked up new cedar boards to finish the back. 

I also picked up 4 lavender plants that will hopefully grow taller to help with the privacy that was originally intended, but also help keep away the bugs.  Oh and they'll smell good too! 

I mean, if the couch was an extra two feet longer, I wouldn't have even needed to bother with the wood on the back.  HAH!  It definitely makes it look better though.  When I had this done, I decided it was time for a marg. So there went the To-Do List for the day. 

But the good news is- PATIO IS OPEN!!!!! Come on over and hang out with me on my new comfy furniture!!!! 


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