My Updated (Again) Master Bathroom

 Guys.  I know.  Updating rooms that have already been updated.  The problem is, I've run out of rooms.  And since a new house to play around with isn't happening any time soon, I guess this one must do.  

So what started out as a simple vanity update..... you know me- I don't do simple.  

A little over 3 years ago I re-did this bathroom.  I installed wood plank looking (vinyl) flooring, painted the vanity Misty Surf (which at the time was my favorite color), purchased two vanity mirrors to replace the huge boring builder grade mirror, and painted the walls a really dark (almost black) charcoal color.  

It's a really small space so I was nervous about the wall color.  But my vanity top, tub, tile surround, and show stall are all bright white.  But three years has gone by and I'm bored with it.  

Actually, if I'm honest, I never really loooooooved the mirrors.  If you remember the post from 3 years ago, I had a really difficult time finding mirrors locally and online that #1 fit the space and #2 I liked.  I finally found two options, the above and a rectangular one.  I really liked the rectangular option but they were straight up plastic.  So I went with the oval ones since they were actually glass mirrors.  

Well fast forward 3 years, I'm over the aqua, teal, Misty Surf phase I went through.  I've done a great job of ridding my house of it in the last year.  The only two things I have left really are the vanity and the living room tv stand.  The tv stand will be getting a make-over soon, don't you worry.  

I had a half gallon of the grayish navy paint left that I used on the front spare room furniture.  

I love this color.  It's so gloomy and moody- just like ME!  

New vanity-

Once I finished the vanity, I knew the walls needed to be lightened.  Off to Menards I went for a gallon of paint.  While I was out, I knew I needed to grab new bath mats because they were that light aqua and wouldn't go in the room any longer.  I picked up 3 new mats at Target and while I was there, I just happened to wander over to the mirrors..........

Just for comparison below is the old (right) and new (left) wall color.  You can see it's definitely a few shades lighter.  

New bathroom-

Ahhhhhhh so much better!  Not too bad for a two day "vanity" makeover!  HAHA!  And as my girl Beth said, "It's so calming.  It'll be nice to take a bath with candles and just unwind."  Yes, yes it will!!

Now to start the other 30 things that I've put on the To Do list!  


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