Kitchen Remodel Part 5- New Wall Color

I should have started imposing deadlines on myself a long time ago apparently.  Today I painted the kitchen!  I had purchased the wall paint way back when I purchased the cabinet paint so I didn't have any decisions to make, I could just get started.

I took today off of work and got to taping.  I'm a taper when I paint.  I'm not a good edger and I'm also not a good painter, if I'm honest.  I paint fast- cuz I want it done.  I'm impatient.  So taping makes it easy for me to go fast.  I mean, technically taping the doors, floors, and ceiling off is not fast whatsoever.  But once that's done- it's full speed ahead.

My hot chocolate walls are no more.

I actually started first by popping off all of the light and outlet covers.  Then I took a wet rag around the ceiling for any dust that may be hanging around.  Once I was done with the ceiling, I did the baseboards.  THEN I taped.  This fricken room has 4 doors on one wall.  FOUR.  I went through a lot of tape.

What started out as this.

Soon became this.

The other two walls were pretty easy- since it's really just above and around the cabinets for the most part.

Here she is with two coats and the tape removed.  

Oh and now you can see the new appliances that I've been trying to hide in the other posts! Aren't they gorge? 

Remember when I said in the last post that I was going to live with the tops as white for a bit to see if I really wanted them white or if I'd like them to match the dark gray bottoms?  Well I knew the minute I finished painting the walls and cleaned everything up.  Definitely keeping the tops white.  I think there would be way too much gray if the uppers went gray as well.  It's got the right balance now and the tops will play off of the white doors.  Easy decision that was.  

Now I just need to decide on the breakfast nook.  I think I want a pop of color and painted a test spot today and I think I'm in love?  I can't decide.  This color plays off of some new pillows I recently purchased for the living room.  I'm going to sleep on it tonight and see what I decide tomorrow.  But guys- the kitchen is ALMOST DONE!!!!!  Well aside from repainting the upper cabinets.  Shit.  I forgot about those.  

Once the kitchen is finished, I'll need to sand and paint the table.  The aqua will be no more.  The top of the table is AWFUL.  

Then the powder room will get a fresh coat of a different color too.  I told you all, I'm over the aqua.  Like- SO OVER IT.  


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