Finished Furniture in Front Spare Room

Y'all.  It was June when I updated the front spare room with new paint, a puppy gallery wall, and a repainted dresser.  Remember the yellow furniture?  Well the dresser went from this...

To this.....

The color is definitely less "in yo face" than the bright canary yellow. It's a muted navy/gray, looks slightly more navy in the above photo.  But it's just a pretty navy/gray.  It compliments the charcoal wall color, even though the original wall color was slightly lighter, which would have given more definition between the two colors.  But changing my mind after throwing a sample swipe on the wall was absolutely needed, since I hated the color I originally chose. 

So I finished the dresser, mirror, and one of the two nightstands prior to July when my dad and aunt came to help with the kitchen.  I wanted to make sure that he had something to put his clothes in while he was here and also a place to put his phone/wallet/watch when he went to sleep.  I think I finished the nightstand the day before they got here.  Phew! 

But the second nightstand has sat in the garage since then, untouched.  Actually it became a catchall for many things, typically covered with a box of whatever needed to be put down to go through at the time. 

Until this past weekend.  I mean, I literally have nothing else to do in the house.  I've done as much housework as I'll ever want to do.  I've baked enough to run my own bakery.  I have lost all desire for TV, movies, internet, eating, sleeping, shaving my pits, whatever.  EVERYTHING SUCKS. 

I decided on Friday that it was finally time to get back out into the garage to sand the nightstand and get it up into the room with it's new paint color.  Then I could finally check that room off the "To Do List" and put it on the "To Done List."

Sunday and Monday I spent a couple of hours each day in the garage sanding and making a mess.  But the nightstand started out like this...

Looked like this after being sanded and cleaned up....

And then looked like this....

Now that there are a few coats and it's had time to dry, I've brought it upstairs to join the other furniture and complete the room.  

I have a lamp to go on it that matches the other nightstand, but I'm going to let the top keep drying a few more days before I put it on there.  Not too bad for a Salvation Army $20 find for the pair, am I right?  

Below is the first nightstand that's been there since July.  

And the finished room.  YAY!  Check- done!


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