It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like......

Well hello, bitches!  I'm cranky and tired so bear (bare?) with me.  This weekend was my 3rd weekend of high school marching band competitions and it ran for three days.  Is there anything more awesome than that?  Queue crankiness.  My head is still pounding.  Talk about a LOOOOOOONG three days.  The good news is that we didn't have a Colts game today so I was a lil bit lazy.  Although......

Miss Beth was in town!  My sister from another mister drove all the way down from Wisconsin to see me!!  Well not just me.  But I'll damn well act like it was all about me!  So I was up and at it at about 10am.  Not my idea of sleeping in at all.  Especially since I've been at work around 6am and leaving around 11pm  since Thursday.  But she's worth it.  After she texted asking when she could come over, I begrudgingly got out of my warm bed, ran downstairs and cleaned the dishes that had been in my sink since last week NOT EVEN KIDDING  and ran back upstairs to shower.

After I showed her the new things that I've done in the house since she was last here, we headed out for a yummy lunch.  We headed over to my favorite Mexican restaurant and if it wasn't a damn Sunday- I would have had a margarita.  Stupid Indiana.  The waiter actually looked at his watch when I tried ordering it- like, "Damn chica, es no even noon."  Pero, I was thirsty.  How was that Spanglish for all you Gringos?

Once our bellies were full we headed over to Jo Ann's- the main reason why Miss Thing came to visit me.  She used me for my crafts.  I feel slightly violated.  It's actually quite funny.  My mom texted me to see if the Pats were being aired here they weren't  and I told her even better was that I had a friend visiting and she said to tell Juanita hello.  She immediately knew who I was talking about even though I didn't tell her and says "Is it Beth!!!!???  OK have fun....not too much.... too far away to bail you guys out."   Does my mom know us or what?  The funny part is that if anyone were to actually find out that we actually "crafted" while she was here- they'd spit out their drink and ask us what we did with the real Kristi and Beth.

We picked up what we needed at Jo Ann's and headed home to get hot glue gunning.  I had sent her a picture of my Xmas wreath that I made a couple of weeks ago and she loved it. So she wanted to make a couple while she was here.  And by "she wanted to make a couple" I mean I made them for her while she told me how much joy she was going to get out of taking the credit for making them.  But that's OK.  She brought me a 12 pack of beer.  See- sister from another mister.  She knows how to win me over.

Here is the photo of the one I made before- which we switched up a little from hers.  If I had to do it over again- I'd do them all the way I did Beth's.  But you live you learn.

Seriously, how fucking adorable is that?  I'm going to add more to it- just haven't yet- like Ho Ho Ho!  or Merry Christmas in glittery letters.  Or maybe a cute ornament.  Who knows.  I'll find something.  This one is made with red boa-like feathers.  Beth's we just bought crushed red velvet material and wrapped it around the wreath frame.  Here is that one!

While it's not as furry, it does look more like a Santa outfit with this material.  So I probably am more in love with hers.  Good thing we bought an extra wreath!  HAH.  Oh and this was totally stolen from Pinterest.  I won't act like I came up with this brilliant idea all on my own.  I'm not that creative.

Have you done anything crafty lately?  Do you have a wreath obsession like I do?  Now that our busy season is  slowly coming to an end, I will have more time for some projects.  The problem is now- most of my projects are very expensive ones.  I have brilliant ideas but don't have the sugar daddy to let me spend his money.  I'm hoping that with my birthday gift cards and anything that I might hypothetically get from Xmas I can get new bathroom faucets.  I've had my eye on one in Lowe's but at $84 a pop and the need for 4 of them.... I've held off.  But they sure are sexy faucets.  Did you get the hint that I'd LOVE some Lowe's gift cards?  I mean, I didn't really come out and ask for them but just subtly slipped in right in there.  So buy me them!!!!!  I'll even pretend to be shocked and do my Taylor Swift "O" face like I had no idea I was going to get them.

I think the next room upgrade on my project list is either the laundry room or gray and yellow bedroom.  I also have some plans for the other spare room.  That room will be new to the blog world.  She's been shy so she hasn't gotten any mentions but I sure do have big plans for her.  It's time for her to make her big internet debut.  Anyway- it's time to crank on the heat, get into my sweats and curl up onto the couch to clear out my DVR.  Anyone want to come do my laundry?  I'll even pay you.


  1. I really want to see those photo ornaments when you are done. I think they will be adorable!! Same with the string art. All of the ones on Pinterest are super cool.


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