It's Blooming Flowers Up In Here!
Not much has gone on in Kristi's Palace since I redid the screened porch I won't go much into it but yesterday I started sanding the dresser that I recently purchased for the new TV stand for my living room. If you are friends with me on FB then you saw what it originally looked like. Can't wait for the finished product. One thing that has happened the last couple of weeks was some of my flowers started to bloom. I also planted 2 new rose bushes in front of my dining room windows. The daffodils and tulips that I planted last fall have come up around the two tress on the side of my yard. See how pretty they are? I also seeded the lawn so hopefully some of the dirt patches will fill in and the lawn will look a little bit better this summer. But because I did that, I can't put the weed killer on it for another 5 weeks. So I'm totally rocking the free dandelions ALL OVER my yard. Whatevs. I'm a little disappointed in...