Evolution of Design Tastes

Happy Weekend!  It's snowing here so I'm just hanging out with the pups being lazy and scrolling through Pinterest.  I've not done any new projects but some pretty cool things are coming up on the horizon for the condo..... Very exciting times!  But that's a post for another day. 

If you follow me on Pinterest, you've probably noticed that I've pinned a LOT lately.  I have the design bug.  I'm over my house.  I want a new house.  So I'm playing pretend design.  My style in here as I am looking around- most of it is from my apartment in Florida- over 10 years ago.  Now I've purchased and upgraded things but the concept is from then.  I've over aqua.  I know!  Crazy!  But it's like everywhere lately.  It's why I got rid of my blue mason jar lights that I made.  They were everywhere.  I don't want my house looking like everyone else's. 

I also feel like I have grown in my design tastes.  I plan to get rid of a lot of things in my house in the near future that are no longer my style.  Bombay dresser that I use as a buffet?  Gone.  Dining table and chairs?  Gone.  Kitchen table and chairs?  Gone.  Couches?  Definitely want them gone but I'll need to see about that.  Most everything upstairs I am still cool with- since most of that has been updated.  I'll have a spare room to redo but that'll be easy.  The yellow dresser and nightstands will no longer be yellow- but I'm keeping that furniture.  The bed will stay.  The room will just have cosmetic changes but will look totally different.  That is the part I'm excited for.  I purchased a new duvet for in there that has a lot of color.  I can't wait to pull from that and create an entire new look in that room. 

But back to design tastes changing- do you guys feel the same?  Are you bored with your current spaces?  How long has it been since you've redecorated?  It's probably a shocking answer that you've probably never paid attention to.  I will say- if you aren't on Pinterest, you need to be.  I had no idea really until I started searching different designs, what my style was/is.  It's interesting to see what rooms I gravitate towards.  It's a very easy (and free) tool for you to play around with your style.  What's really funny is a lot of the living rooms I've pinned lately all say "Bohemian" in the description.  I would think Bohemian would be the LAST word someone would use to describe me.  But the 60+ rooms I've pinned over the course of the month might say other words.  It's very interesting. 

I remember back in high school I desperately wanted a black room.  My mom rolled her eyes at me and was like- "Um no child.  Not fucking happening."  Pretty sure those were her exact words.  I've always LOVED black but up until I bought the black and white striped duvet for the green room, I never had any black in my house. I mean, aside from my wardrobe and my soul.  I always found that when I went to homes that decorated with black, it was AWFUL.  No offense friends.  But black shiny pleather couches and black faux granite topped side tables are gross.  Again.  No offense friends.  NOT MY STYLE AT ALL.  Plus it seemed like if someone designed with black, they only used red accents.  Probably also some Chinese hanging art too. HAHAH I'll stop.  But UGH.  EW.  Even going to home decor stores and furniture stores- the selection just looked cheap.  You all know me.  I looooooove me some cheap.  I just don't like things to LOOK cheap.  Big difference.  Huge. 

Well today I'm going to show you some rooms and houses that I've pinned that are black.  These look classy to me.  And not dark, drab, or gothic at all.  I mean, you could seriously go wrong with black walls.  But I really think if you do it right and decorate around it the right way, it can look stunning. 

Below are a handful of bedrooms with a black wall(s) that I think are beautifully done.  (All images from Pinterest)

Do you see what all of these bedrooms have in common aside from the black wall?  They were decorated with light colored bedding, warmed up with wood furniture, have pops of greenery.

Can we talk about the black tongue and groove wall treatment?  Oh my word, I'm loving it.  More on that later. 

The below room I don't like the black wall in the design. 

That bedding is the wrong choice.  They tried to lighten it up with the rug and fur throw on the chair- but I don't feel were very successful in the design.  Maybe if the window wall and trim was white?  Then they possibly could keep the bedding.  But this just isn't working for me. 

Here are a few bathrooms.  The below image is what I first saw when searching black walls and I fell in love with it immediately.  It's tricky- a small space, all three visible walls in jet black?  But, in my opinion, it works.  I am getting a black bathroom in my new hypothetical house.  I mean, my current bathroom is a step above black- it's a very dark gray- but it is nowhere near as dramatic as these walls. 

Again, see the white and warm wood tones thrown in there with the greenery?  Also, along with some of the bedroom photos above- the warm tones in the rugs help lighten the spaces up. 

If you think I am slightly obsessed with an interior room in my house having black walls.... just wait until you see the exterior's I've pinned.  Guys.  I will own a black house.  Promise.  Check these sexy beasts out. 

The white trim in the above two photos really makes the black less obvious and in your face.  The cedar wood tones and light stone work on the other pictures really compliments the black and makes the large footprint of the entire house seem not so in-your-face.  But I think my FAVORITE exterior that I found is below.  I mean, come on. Fuck me this is beautiful. 

So that's where my mind is going lately.  Now just need to sell my current house and move into a new one so I can start playing with new design concepts.  Apparently- more Bohemian. 


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