Loved Them So Much, I Made Myself One.
I mean, the title of the post gives it away right? I wanted my own wood art piece for my own house! I had been scouring Pinterest the last few months and kept coming across pieces that were like what I made. Some were really cool. So while I was working "REALLY HARD" from home, I decided to start drawing my idea of what I'd like to create. ( Did you totally picture me doing air quotes there? Cuz I absolutely was.) Very professional with my yellow notepad. I started coloring various angles and lengths of pieces of wood to see how it'd fit together. Final drawing..... See? Laptop. Kristi HARD AT WORK. I actually think I was drawing this while on a video conference. So technically I was multi-tasking. Anyway- obviously unlike most of my other drawings for projects- this is definitely not to scale. I had no idea with the wood that I planned on using and the size I planned to make this- if all...