
Showing posts from April, 2020

Loved Them So Much, I Made Myself One.

I mean, the title of the post gives it away right?  I wanted my own wood art piece for my own house!  I had been scouring Pinterest the last few months and kept coming across pieces that were like what I made.  Some were really cool.  So while I was working "REALLY HARD" from home, I decided to start drawing my idea of what I'd like to create.  ( Did you totally picture me doing air quotes there?  Cuz I absolutely was.) Very professional with my yellow notepad.  I started coloring various angles and lengths of pieces of wood to see how it'd fit together.  Final drawing..... See?  Laptop.  Kristi HARD AT WORK.  I actually think I was drawing this while on a video conference.  So technically I was multi-tasking.  Anyway- obviously unlike most of my other drawings for projects- this is definitely not to scale.  I had no idea with the wood that I planned on using and the size I planned to make this- if all...

Fast and Easy Bathroom Update

For real, if you aren't checking things off of your To Do list during this quarantine, you are not doing it right.  Unfortunately a lot of things on my To Do list have to do with the outside of the house.  It's cold and windy here in Indiana.  Mama's keeping her ass inside until it's nicer out.  But there are a few things that I can do inside while I wait for warmer weather.  Like update my downstairs powder room.  You guys remember my 10 year aqua obsession phase right?  HAH.  My god.  This room is the same color as the pedestal table I just repainted to dark gray.  No exaggeration- it's Tiffany Blue.  It was a cute pop of color at a time that I wanted cute pops of color in my house.  But lets be honest, I'm not cute.  I never was cute.  It's time for this room to be repainted.  Especially since it's really the only thing left of my aqua phase.  Uhhhhhh buh-bye.  Rather than go out an buy ...

Beth's Wood Art

Hey Guys!  So who's over this damn quarantine?  Can I get a "What What??"  I've always known I'm not one who can work from home.  I've passed on numerous jobs because of the work from home situation.  While some bosses find working from home a benefit- I personally do NOT.  I need social interaction.  I need to not see the same 4 walls for 24 hours a day.  I've been crawling up the walls for more than 3 weeks with no end in sight.  It's AWFUL.  Anyhoo- back to the story at hand.  I built something.  I mean- I have recently built something but it's drying in my garage and needs to have the hanging things attached before I can show you guys some pictures.  But I also built something...... back in November.  And I completely forgot to post about it.  It's almost similar to the one I built a year ago....  one I really wish I had kept for myself.  Especially right now.  So I made some changes in...